namaskAra! Welcome back!
Particles are uninflected words that don’t exactly belong to
another class of words (such as adverbs, etc.) but serve a function within the
Emphatic Particles ‘e’ or ‘ne’
These are emphatic particles used to emphasize a word. This
can be translated as “only”, “just”, “merely”, “indeed” etc.
‘ne’ is used after a final vowel ‘a’, ‘e’, 'ae'.
‘e’ is used after a final vowel ‘i’, ‘u’ or a final consonant
(or half-u).
mara – marane
rAme – rAmene
appae – appene
kAr – kAre
pakki – pakkiye
onji - onje
guru – guruve
uNDu - uNDe
Ayeg – Ayege
barpe - barpene
Tulu: mara bUruNDu
English: Tree will fall down.
Kannada: mara bILuttade
Tulu: marane bUruNDu
English: Tree only will fall down (Here it emphasizes the
Kannada: marave bILuttade
Tulu: mara bUruNDe
English: Tree will fall down indeed (Here it emphasizes the
action of falling)
Kannada: mara bidde bILuttade
Tulu: yAn onje dOsae tiNDini
English: I ate only one Dosa (It emphasizes the
insufficiency of a single Dosa – I ate only one Dosa, not much)
Kannada: nAnu onde dOse tindiddu
Tulu: yAne onji dOsae
English: I only ate one Dosa (I am the one who ate Dosa, not
anyone else.)
Kannada: nAne ondu dOse tindiddu
Tulu: Aye ellae barpene
English: He will come tomorrow anyhow (It emphasizes the
action of coming – I am sure he will come tomorrow)
Kannada: avanu nAle bande bartAne
Tulu: Aye ellene barpe
English: He will come tomorrow only (It emphasizes the time
of coming ‘tomorow’ – He will come tomorrow not other day)
Kannada: avanu nALeye bartAne
Tulu: Ayene ellae barpe
English: He himself will come tomorrow (He only will come
tomorrow not anyone else)
Tulu: Aye ninane lettini
English: He called you only (not others)
Kannada: avanu ninnanne karediddu
Tulu: Ir ellae baroDe
English: You should come tomorrow in any case
Kannada: nIvu nALe barle bEku
Tulu: yAn jeidine (jeidini +
e) ijji
English: I did not sleep at all
Kannada: nAnu malage illa
Tulu: Aye barpuje
English: He does not come
Kannada: avanu baruvudilla
Tulu: Aye barpine (barpini +
e) ijji
English: He does not come at all
Kannada: avanu baruvude illa
Tulu: Al eNDa pAterujal
English: She does not speak with me
Kannada: avaLu nannalli mAtADuvudilla
Tulu: Al eNDa pAterune ijji
English: She does not speak with me at all
Kannada: avaLu nannalli mAtADuvude illa
Interrogative particles ‘A’, ‘nA’, (‘E’, ‘nE’)
‘These are interrogative particles used in simple questions.
‘E’/‘nE’ are very polite and used to give respect when speaking to
‘nA’ and ‘nE’ are used after a final vowel ‘a’, ‘e’, 'ae'.
‘A’ and ‘E’ are used after a final vowel ‘i’, ‘u’ or a final
consonant (or half-u).
mara – maranA? / maranE? - Is it tree?
tUka – tUkanA? / tUkanE? – Let us see?
Aye – AyenA? / AyenE? – Is it him?
barpe – barpenA? / barpenE? – Will he come?
mOnae – mOnenA? / mOnenE? – Is it face?
sari – sariyA? / sariyE? – Is it correct?
ijji – ijjA? / ijjE? – No? / Is not there?
pOyi – pOyA? / pOyE? – Let us go?
guru – guruvA? / guruvE?
– Is it Guru?
uNDu – uNDA? / uNDE? – Is it there?
baroDu – baroDA? / baroDE? – Shall I come?
kaNN – kaNNA? / kaNNE? – Is it eye?
barpar – barparA? / barparE? – Will you come?
Tulu: nama movie’g
English: Let us go to movie?
Kannada: nAvu movie’ge
Tulu: undu ninna illA?
English: idu ninna maneya?
Kannada: Is this your house?
Tulu: I Epa barpa? iniyA,
English: When will you come, today or tomorrow?
Kannada: nInu yAvAga bartIya? ivatta, nALeya?
Tulu: enkonji upakAra malpuvarE?
English: Can you please do me a favor?
Kannada: nanagondu sahAya mADuttIra?
Tulu: yAn irenoTTugu baroDE?
English: Shall I come with you?
Kannada: nAnu nimmoTTige barla?
Tulu: barsa baronduNDE ijjE?
English: Is it raining or not?
Kannada: maLe bartideya ilva?
Tulu: aklen leppoDA boDchA?
English: Shall I call them or not?
Kannada: avarannu karIla bEDva?
Tulu: undu eDDenA attA?
English: Is this good or not?
Kannada: idu OLLeda alva?
Tulu: andA attA?
English: Yes or no?
Kannada: hauda alva?
Tulu: undu satyanA sullA?
English: Is this true or a lie?
Kannada: idu satyava suLLa?
Also, these particles are used to change interrogative
pronouns into indefinite pronouns and exclamatory expressions.
Er – ErA – Someone / Wonder
Erna – ErnanA – Someone’s /
Wonder whose!
enchina – enchinanA –
Something / Wonder what!
dAda – dAdanA – Something /
Wonder what!
dAne – dAnnA (dAne + na) –
Wonder what!
ov – ovvA - Something /
Wonder which one!
Et – EtA – Wonder how much!
Epa – EpanA – Sometime /
Wonder when!
Olu – OlA – Somewhere /
Wonder where!
ODe – OdenA – To somewhere /
Wonder whither!
onchi – onchiyA – To
somewhere / Wonder whither!
Person A: ErA ninan
Person B: Er?
Person A: ErA! enk gottuji
Person A: Somebody is calling you
Person B: Who?
Person A: (Wonder who) I don’t know!
Person A: yAro ninnannu karItiddAre
Person B: yAru?
Person A: yAro! nanage gottilla
Person A: Ar Epa barper?
Person B: EpanA!
Person A: When he/she will come?
Person B: Wonder when! (I don’t know)
Person A: avaru yAvAga bartAre?
Person B: yAvAglo!
Tulu: Ayeg dAdanA At’ND
English: Something has happened to him
Kannada: avanige Eno Agide
Tulu: akulu mUle OlA uppoDu
English: They should be here (only) somewhere.
Kannada: avaru ille ello irbEku
Tulu: mokulu ODenA pOyer
English: They went somewhere
Kannada: avaru elligo hOdaru
‘dAnna’ is used to express doubt and commonly placed after
the word with the interrogative particles.
Tulu: Aye illaD ullenA dAnnA!
English: Maybe, he is at home. I am not sure!
Kannada: avanu maneyalli iddAno Eno!
Tulu: aleg dAda ANDA dAnnA!
English: I am not sure what happened to her!
Kannada: avaLige Enu Ayto Eno!'
Tulu: Aye barpenA dAnnA!
English: Perhaps he will come. I am not sure!
English: avanu bartAno Eno!
Tulu: enk ApuNDu yAn saipaenA dAnnA!
English: I think I am going to die!
Kannada: nanage anistade nAnu sAyuttEno Eno!
Conjunctive particle ‘la’
This can be used as a simple adverb in English “too/also” or
an emphatic particle which can be translated as “even” or a conjunction “and”.
Tulu: appaela magalla batter
English: Mother and daughter came
Kannada: tAyiyU magaLU bandaru
Tulu: nAyila puchchaela gobbondulla
English: Dog and Cat are playing
Kannada: nAyi mattu bekku ADuttive
Tulu: enk nAyilena pODigae ApuNDu
English: I am afraid of dogs.
Kannada: nanage nAyigaLa bhaya Agtade
Tulu: enkla nAyilena pODigae
English: I am also afraid of dogs.
Kannada: nanagU nAyigaLa bhaya Agtade
Tulu: enk nAyilenala pODigae
English: I am also afraid of dogs.
Kannada: nanage nAyigaLidU bhaya Agtade
The English usage of “also/too” is unclear. The sentence ‘I
am also afraid of dogs’ could mean “In addition to some other person, I am
afraid of dogs” or “I am afraid of dogs in addition to other things”. However,
the Tulu sentence is clear; 'la' succeeds the word that it modifies.
Tulu: yAnla niklenoTTugu
English: I will come with you too.
Kannada: nAnU nimma jote bartEne
Tulu: yAn dAda paNpae aven malpuvaela
English: I also do what I say
Kannada: nAnu Enu hELtEne adannu mADtEne kUDa
Tulu: yAn onji gaNTaela
English: I have not slept for even an hour.
Kannada: nAnu ondu gaNTeyU kUDa malagilla
Tulu: Ar enan lettijer
English: He/She didn’t call me
Kannada: avaru nannannu karililla
Tulu: Arla enan lettijer
English: He/She also did not call me
Kannada: avarU nannannu karIlilla
Tulu: Ar enanla lettijer
English: He/She did not call me too
Kannada: avaru nannannU karIlilla
Tulu: Ar enan lettinla
(lettini+la) ijji
English: He/She didn’t even call me
Kannada: aavaru nannannu karilU illa
Tulu: yAn ayen lett’NDala
English: Even though I called him, he did not come
Kannada: nAnu avanannu karedarU avanu baralilla
Tulu: akulu battijerDala Ir
English: Even though they do not come, you should come in
any case
Kannada: avaru baradiddarU nIvu barale bEku
‘la’ is also used to change interrogative pronouns into
indefinite pronouns
Er – Erla – anyone
Erna – Ernala – anyone’s
enchina – enchinala –
dAda – dAla – anything
ov– ovla – any of them
Et – Etla – Any quantity / Sufficient
Epa – Epala – Any time /
Olu – Olla – Anywhere
ODe – Odela – To anywhere
onchi – onchila – To anywhere
Tulu: illaD Erla ullera?
English: Is there anyone home?
Kannada: maneyalli yArAdarU iddAra?
Tulu: EreDala pAteroDchi
English: Don’t speak with anyone
Kannada: yArallU mAtADabEDa
Tulu: enk dAla boDchi
English: I don’t need anything
Kannada: nanage EnU bEDa
Tulu: namak pariyerae Etla
nIr uNDu
English: We have sufficient water to drink
Kannada: namage kuDiyOke sAkashTu nIru ide.
Tulu: sUrye Epala mUDAyiD
English: The sun always rises in the east
Kannada: sUrya yAvAgalU pUrvadalli mUDuttAne
Tulu: Aye Olla tOjuje
English: He is not visible anywhere
Kannada: avanu ellU kANuttilla
Tulu: Ir ODela pOvoDchi
English: You don’t go anywhere
Kannada: nIvu elligU hOgabEDi
Reportive particle ‘gae’
This is used in reported speech which can be translated as “It
is said” or “It is heard”. When reporting something said by others, we normally use ‘gae’ at the
end of sentences. Using ‘gae’ at the end of a sentence shows that the sentence
you said was not yours, but it was said by someone else or you got the news
from unknown source which cannot be believed true completely.
For example if some people said, "There is a bomb in
the bus" (Tulu: bass’D bomb uNDu) and you want to report that, you can say:
Tulu: bass’D bomb
English: It is said that there is a bomb in the bus
Kannada: bassalli bomb
Let us see more examples:
Tulu: janokulu paNper Aye ori kalvegae
English: People say that he is a thief.
Kannada: janaru hELtAre avanobba kaLLanante
Tulu: Aye nikk kAtondullegae
English: He (or someone else) said that he is waiting for
Kannada: avanu ninage kAytA iddAne ante
Tulu: akulu ellae barpergae
English: They (or someone else) said that they will come
Kannada: avaru nAle bartAre ante
Tulu: ini I nela ochchoDugae
English: It’s said that you should wipe the floor today
Kannada: ivattu nInu nela oresabEkante
Tulu: Ar tIr pOyergae
English: It is heard that he has expired
Kannada: avaru tIri hOdaru ante
Tulu: Aye bombai'D ullegae
English: It is heard that he is in Mumbai
Kannada: avanu mumbaiyalli iddAne ante
Quotative particle ‘pand’ / ‘ind’
These are not actually particles but past adverbial participle of verbs
‘paNpini’ (To tell/say) and ‘iNpini’ (To tell/say).
paND’d – pand = Having said
iND’d – ind = Having said
Apart from this, ‘pand’ / ‘ind’ can also be used as a particle in
indirect speech which can be translated as “that” or “said that”. Let us see an
Direct speech:
English: He said, "I will not come."
Tulu: Aye paNDe, “yAn barpujae”
Kannada: avanu hELida, “nAnu baralla”
Indirect speech:
English: He said that he would not come.
Tulu: Aye barpuje pand paNDe
Kannada: avanu baralla anta hELida
In spoken Tulu, ‘pand’ / ‘ind’ further shortened into ‘nd’
Tulu: akulu ellae barper’nd
English: They (have) said that they would come tomorrow
Kannada: avaru nALe bartAre anta hELiddAre
Tulu: Al illaDe pOvondullal’nd
English: She said she was going to home
Kannada: avaLu manage hOgtiddALe anta hELidaLu
Tulu: Aye dAda malpoDu’nd
English: He asked what he should do
Kannada: avanu Enu mADabEku anta kELida
Tulu: yAn Ayeg ellae baroDu’nd
English: I told him that he should come tomorrow
Kannada: nAnu avanige nALe barabEku anta hELide
Tulu: enk dAda malpoDu’nd gottAvondijji
English: I don’t know (that) what should I do
Kannada: nanage Enu mADbEku anta gottAgtilla
Tulu: yAn nentae I sullu paNpini’nd
English: I thought that you were telling a lie
Kannada: nAnu andukoNDe nInu suLLu hELtiddIya anta
Tulu: yAn, I barpuja’nd
English: I thought that you don’t come
Kannada: nAnu, nInu baralla anta andukoNDe
Also this particle is used when we introduce with our names.
Tulu: enna pudar kiran pand / enna pudar kiran'nd
English: My name is "Kiran"
Kannada: nanna hesaru kiran anta
Tulu: arena pudar kArtik pand / arena pudar kArtik'nd
English: His name is "Karthik"
Kannada: avara hesaru kArtik anta
‘paNDa’ is the subjunctive form of the verb ‘paNpini’ (To
paND + Da – paNDa= If said
Tulu: Aye enk paNDa yAn ireg paNpae
English: If he tells me, I will tell you
Kannada: avanu nanage hELidare nAnu nimage hELtEne
This word can also be used as a particle which can be
translated as ‘means’/ ‘that means’
Tulu: ancha paNDa
English: That means
Kannada: hAgandre
Tulu: mUlu sharat paNDa Er?
English: Who is Sharth here?
Kannada: illi sharat andre yAru?
Tulu: I paNDa enk ishTa
English: I like you (Lit. You mean like for me)
Kannada: nInu andre nanage ishTa
Tulu: tuluTu ____ paNDa dAda?
English: What does ____ mean in Tulu?
Kannada: tuLuvalli ____ andre Enu?
Vocative Particles: E, O, inda, inde, ala, ale, , mbae (mae), de, ya and ye
These are used while addressing a person (animal, object etc.) being spoken to
E, O, inda, inde, ala, ale are used before starting a sentence or a word. These are used as interjections which are used while calling the attention of somebody.
Tulu: O rAma! iDe bala!
English: Hey Rama! Come here!
Kannada: O rAma! Illi bA!
Tulu: E! dAda malpuni?
English: Hey! What are you doing?
Kannada: Ey! Enu mADuvudu?
Tulu: inda! dettoNu
English: Hey! Take this!
Kannada: igO! takO
Tulu: inda maga! iDe bala!
English: Hey Son! Come here!
Kannada: igO maga! Illi bA!
Tulu: ala! Ayen tUla!
English: Hey! Look at him!
Kannada: agO! avanannu nODu!
ala is normally used to draw the attention of a person towards an object or person
Tulu: ala! Aye pOye!
English: Look! He went!
Kannada: agO! avanu hOda!
Tulu: ala! Aye bUriye!
English: Look! He fell down
Kannada: agO! avanu bidda!
O, E, inda and ala are informal and can be used for both male and female.
‘inde’ is the respectfull form of ‘inda’
Tulu: inde! iren leppunu!
English: Hey, (Someone) Calling you!
Kannada: igOLLi! nimmannu kareyuvudu
Tulu: inde! iDe bale!
English: Hey (Sir), Come here!
Kannada: igOLLi! illi banni!
‘ale’ is the respectfull form of ‘ala’
Tulu: ale! Era batter!
English: Look! Someone came!
Kannada: agoLLi! yArO bandaru
Tulu: ale! av Er?
English: Look! Who is that?
Kannada: agoLLi! adu yAru?
mbae (mae), de, ya and ye are used at the end of a sentence or a word.
'mbae'/'mae' is informal or singular. This can be used for only male friends/younger persons – Don’t use this for any one unless your close friend
Tulu: E HarIsha! iDe balambae (balamae)!
English: Hey Harish! Come here (man!)
Kannada: Ey HarIsha! Illi bAro!
Tulu: eNaDa kAs ijjimbae (ijjimae)!
English: I don’t have money (dude!)
Kannada: nanna hattira duDDu illavo! (illa kaNo!)
Tulu: yAn ellae barondijjaemae!
English: I am not coming tomorrow (man!)
Kannada: nAnu nAle bartillavo! (bartilla kaNo!)
'de' is also informal or singular. This can be used for only female friends/younger persons. Don’t use this for any one unless your close friend
Tulu: E gItA! Ollade?
English: Hey Geetha! Where are you? (woman!)
Kannada: Ey gItA! elliddIye?
Tulu: Av Erde battini?
English: Who is that (who came)? (woman!)
Kannada: adu yAre bandiddu?
Tulu: enk ini barrae Apujide!
English: I can’t come today (woman!)
Kannada: nanage ivattu baralikke Aguvudillave! (Aguvudilla kaNe!)
'ya' is also informal or singular. This can be used for both male and female friends/younger persons
Tulu: I dAda maltondullaya?
English: What are you doing? (man! Or woman!)
Kannada: nInu Enu mADittiddIyo!/nInu Enu mADuttiddIye!
Tulu: E! nama bEga pOyiya!
English: Hey, Let us go soon! (man! Or woman!)
Kannada: Ey! nAvu bEga hOgONa kaNo/kaNe!
Tulu: ijjiya! Enk gottuji!
English: No man! (or No woman!), I don’t know!
Kannada: illavo!/illave! nanage gottilla!
‘ye’ is the plural or respectful form of ‘ya’ - This can be used for both male and female elders/strangers
Tulu: Ir ollar’ye?
English: Where are you?
Kannada: nIvu elliddIriri?
Tulu: ijjiye! yAn barpujae!
English: No (sir!), I don’t come!
Kannada: illari/illa kaNri! nAnu baruvudilla!
Tulu: ora iDe baleye!
English: Please come here once!
Kannada: omme illi banniri!
The particles 'mbae'/'mae', 'de', 'ya', 'ye' can also be added immediately after ‘inda’, ‘inde’, ‘ala’ and ‘ale’
Tulu: indambae! nikk kebi kENujambae?
English: Hey! (man!) Can’t you hear! (Are you deaf?)
Kannada: igoLLa! ninage kivi kELalveno?
Tulu: indade! amma leppuni!
English: Hey! (woman!), Mom is calling you!
Kannada: igoLLe! amma kareyuvudu
Tulu: indaya! bEga pOya!
English: Hey! (man! Or woman!), Go quickly!
Kannada: igoLLa! bEga hOga!
Tulu: alambae! av Er?
English: Hey (man!) Who is that?
Kannada: agoLLa! Adu yAru?
Tulu: alade! Akulu batter!
English: Look! (woman!) They came!
Kannada: agoLLe! Avaru bandaru!
Tulu: alaya! aulu tUlaya!
English: Hey! (man! Or woman!) look at there!
Kannada: agoLLa! alli nODa!
Tulu: indeye! nama Epa pOpini?
English: Hey! (sir!), When are we going?
Kannada: igoLLi! nAvu yAyAga hOguvudu?
Tulu: aleye! Ir baroDugae
English: Hey! (sir!), you should come (they said)
Kannada: agoLLi! nIvu barabEkante
Apart from these particles, you can also use words such as mArAya, mArAyti and mArrae
mArAya is informal or singular. This can be used for only male friends/younger persons
Tulu: I ora bEga bala mArAya!
English: Come soon (man!)
Kannada: nInu omme bEga bA mArAya!
mArAyti is also informal or singular. This can be used for only female friends/younger persons
Tulu: ijji mArAyti! av yAn att!
English: No (woman!), it is not me!
Kannada: illa mArAyti! adu nAnu alla!
mArrae is respectfull form of mArAya and mArAyti. This can be used for both male and female elders/strangers
Tulu: Aye ijjegae mArrae!
English: He is not there (it was heard)! (man! Or woman!)
Kannada: avanu illante kaNri! (mArAyare!)'
Interjection Particles
These particles are used to express feelings or reactions'
appa /oppa – An interjection of surprise /sympathy
Tulu: appae amme dAnti bAlen tAnkerae Er ullerappa!
English: Alas! Who is there to bring up the orphan child!
Kannada: tande tAyi illada maguvannu sAkalu yAriddArappa!
Tulu: oppa! enna bAleg dAdAND!
English: Alas! What happened to my child!
Kannada: yappA! nanna maguvige EnAytu!
amma/omma – An interjection used in the context of relief from trouble, difficulty, pain
Tulu: omma! enchala ill ettiya!
English: Thanks God! We reached the home anyhow!
Kannada: amma! hEgU mane talupidevu!
umma - An interjection to express one’s unknown.
Person A: av Er?
Person B: umma! enk gottoji
Person A: Whois that?
Person B: I don’t know!
Person A: adu yAru?
Person B: amma! nanage gottilla
ayyappaa / ayyammaa / Oppaa / Ommaa – An interjection to express pain or relief
Tulu: Omma! yAn saitae!
English: O God! I am dead
Kannada: O ammA! nAnu satte!
Tulu: ayyappaa! enk bEnae tadeyerae Avondijji
English: O God! I cant bear the pain!
Kannada: ayyappA! nanage nOvu taDeyalAguttilla
aisa - An interjection of happiness, joy or to express beauty
Tulu: aisa! Et porluda ill!
English: Wow! What a beautiful house!
Kannada: AhA! eSTu chandada mane!
Tulu: aisa! A pakkin tUle!
English: Wow! Look at that bird
Kannada: AhA! A hakkiyannu nODi!
ayyO - An interjection to express suffering, grief, pain or difficulty: Oh ah, alas
Tulu: ayyO! yAn dAda malpoDu!
English: Oh God! What should I do!
Kannada: ayyO! nAnu Enu maDali!
Tulu: ayyO dEva! Ire kApoDu
English: Oh God! You only have to save me!
Kannada: ayyo dEva! nIne kApADabEku
Tulu: ayyO maga! dAyae incha malta!
English: Oh son! Why did you do this!
Kannada: ayyo maga! yAke hIge mADide!
ayyayyO - An interjection to express severe sufferings pain grief etc.
Tulu: ayyayyO! enk tUyerae Apuji!
English: Oh my god! I can’t watch it.
Kannada: ayyayyo! nanage nODalikke Aguttilla!
arae – An interjection of astonishment
Tulu: arae! I Epa battini?
English: Oh! When did you come!
Kannada: are! nInu yAvaga bandiddu?
isI / shI / tU – An interjection to express disgust
Tulu: shI! Aven muTToDchi!
English: Yuck! Don’t touch it!
Kannada: chI! adannu muTTabEDa!
shae - to express embarrassment or regret
Tulu: shae! yAn pokkaDae battini!
English: Oops! I came here in vain!
Kannada: chE! nAnu summane bandiddu!
ussa / ussappa – An interjection going with an explosive exhalation to seek relief from physical exhaustion
Tulu: ussappa! bacchiND enk!
English: Phew! I am tired!
Kannada: ussappa! sustAytu nanage!
obA - An interjection to express fear
Tulu: obA! yAn pODid pOyae!
English: Oh my gosh! I am scared!
Kannada: abbA! nAnu hedari hODe!
Tulu: obA! enaDd mini Avand!
English: Oh my god! I can’t do it!
English: abbA! nanninda antU sAdyavilla!
ebA - An interjection of rejection
Tulu: ebA! enk boDchi av!
English: Oh no! I don’t want that
Kannada: yappA! nanage bEDa adu!
Tulu: ebA! nikk Et sarti panoDu?
English: Oh no! how many times I have to tell you!
Kannada: yappA! ninage eSTu sala hELabEku!
ebae / ebbae - An interjection of disgust or reproach; Abhorrence
Tulu: ebae! undu dAla eDDae ijji
English: Yuck! This is not good at all
Kannada: chI! idu EnU oLLedilla
Tulu: ebae! yAn att av!
English: Yuck! It is not me
Kannada: chI! nAnu alla adu!
ela - An interjection of surprise astonishment or grief
Tulu: ela katenae! unden kENunakulu Erla ijjera?
English: Oh gosh! What a story! No one is there to do justice?
Kannada: elA kateye! idannu kELUvavaru yArU illava?
abba/obba - An interjection of surprise and shock
Tulu: obba! av enchina?
English: Oh my god! What is that?
Kannada: abbA! adu Enu?
OhO – An interjection to indicate surprise joy etc
Tulu: OhO! anchata!
English: Oh! Like that!
Kannada: OhO! hAge ala!
Tulu: OhO AyenA! enk gottijjAND!
English: Oh! Is it him? I didn’t know!
Kannada: OhO avanA! nanage gottiralilla!
tekk/chekk An interjection showing contempt
Tulu: tekk! ancha pAteraDa!
English: Shit! Don’t speak like that!
Kannada: thU! hAge mAtADabEDa!
Imitative Particles (Onomatopoeic words)
These particles are used to imitate sounds.
pachakka / chapakka - The onomatopoeic word used to refer to the sound produced bysomething falling into mud
Tulu: kall pachakka kesar’g bUr’ND
English: The stone fell down into mud (by making the sound ‘pachakka’)
Kannada: kallu pacakkane kesarige bittu
kasakka - Onomatopoeic expression to denote a sharp object entering into a mass
Tulu: kAr’g mullu kasakka kant’ND
English: A thorn pricked my foot forcibly
Kannada: kAlige mullu kachakkane chuchchitu
kiTikiTi - An onomatopoeic expression to refer to the laughing (especially of babies)
Tulu: Aye kiTi kiTi telte
English: He laughed (by making the sound ‘kiTikiTi’)
Kannada: avanu kilakilane nagADidanu
kusukusu / kuchukuchu - An onomatopoeic expression denoting whispering or secretly gossipping sound
Tulu: nikulu dAda kusukusu pAterunu?
English: What are you people whispering?
Kannada: nIvu Enu gusugusu mAtADuvudu?
gajagaja - An onomatopoeic expression to indicate jolting, shaking etc
Tulu: maran gajagaja kurkAyae, mAta bogori bUr’ND.
English: I shook the tree (by making the sound ‘gajagaja’). All the cherries fell down.
Kannada: maravannu gajagajane alugADiside. ellA bOrehaNNu bittu.
gaTagaTa - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to the noise produced while drinking incessantly
Tulu: Aye gaTagaTa nIr pariye
English: He drank water (by making the sound ‘gaTagaTa’
Kannada: avanu gaTagaTane nIru kuDidanu
daDakka - Onomatopoeic expression to denote the sense of sudden action
Tulu: bas daDakka unt’ND
English: Bus stopped suddenly
Kannada: bassu daDakkane nintitu
gaDagaDa - Onomatopoeic expression used to indicate trembling, shaking chattering noise etc
Tulu: Aye pODid gaDagaDa kumbarondulle
English: He is trembling in fear (by making the sound ‘gaDagaDa’)
Kannada: avanu bhayadinda gaDagaDane naDuguttiddAne
kiNikiNi - Onomatopoeic expression indicationg the sound of small bells etc. A clinking sound
Tulu: enk kinikini sabda kENonduNDu
English: I am hearing clinking sound
Kannada: nanage kinikini saddu kELisuttide
bakabaka - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to gulping or swallowing with greed
Tulu: Aye bakabaka uNDe
English: He gulped down his food
Kannada: avanu bakabakane tindanu
gabakka / rapakka - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to sudden action
Tulu: rapakka oyte gabakka bAyig pADiye
English: He pulled it suddenly from my hand and ate it quickly.
Kannada: pakkane eLeda gabakkane bAyige hAkida
gamagama - Onomatopoeic expression indicating fragrance or good smell
Tulu: illiDI gamagama paNondunDu
English: The whole house is smelling good.
Kannada: maneyiDI gamagama annuttide.
gijigiji - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the chirping sound of birds OR jingling sound of anklets
Tulu: kAr’da gejjae gijigiji maltondu poyal
English: She went making sound of her anklets.
Kannada: kAlina gejjeyannu gijigiji mADuttA hOdaLu
chapachapa / pachapacha - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to the sound of licking and eating by animals
Tlu: puchchae pachapacha pEr par’ND
English: The cat drank milk (by making the sound ‘pachapacha’)
Kannada: bekku pachapachane hAlu kuDiyitu.
basabasa – Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of overflowing or pouring out liquid
Tulu: Al basabasa kakkiyal
English: She vomited (by making the sound “basabasa")
Kannada: avaLu baLabaLane kAridaLu
puska - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the action of sudden separation and falling
Tulu: puska jAr'ND bUr'ND
English: It got separated and fell down suddenly
Kannada: pakkane jAritu bidditu
dagadaga - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of burning
Tulu: ill dagadaga pott'ND
English: The house burned down (by making the sound (dagadaga)
Kannada: mane dagadagane hottitu.
Tulu: bAyiD magamaga banjiD dagadaga
English: (This is a proverb in Tulu used to refer someone who speaks nicely but has hatred or jealousy inside their heart)
Kannada: bAyalli magamaga hoTTeyalli dagadaga
daDAla - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of sudden falling
Tulu: Aye daDAla bUriye
English: He fell down (by making the sound daDala)
Kannada: avanu dadakkane biddanu
dardara - An onomatopoeic term used to express the sound produced by dragging something with speed
Tulu: Aye alen daradara oytondu pOye
English: He went dragging her (my making the sound "daradara")
Kannada: avanu avaLannu daradarane eLedukoNDu hOdanu
julujulu - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the flowing of water
chilichili - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to the calm flow of water
jagajaga - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to shining and luster
jaNajaNa - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of tinkling of jewels, coins, jingling bells etc
ñakkañakka - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of beating or crushing harshly or coarsely
ñarañara - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to the cracks (sounds) at joints especially of wooden furnitures or at the notch of a tree when it splits
TikTik - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of pendulum
TaiNTain - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of a gong
DaNaDaNa - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of gong or brass vessel
DabDab - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of heart beat
Dibba - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of sudden fall or suden getting up
Dabba - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of an object falling down
takataka - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the noise of quick dancing movements
narnur - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to the sound of eating fried and crisp eatables
niginigi - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the splendour of burning flame
paTapaTa - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of bursting, flapping of wings, speedy talk etc
parapara - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of crushing dry leaves, tearing of cloth, drizzling of rain, talking roughly
palapala - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to shining
piripiri - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of drizzling rain
pilipili - Onomatopoeic expression used to refer to the act of shutting and opening the eyes quickly / refer to the action of looking at something with curiosity
pukupuku - Onomatopoeic expression to indicate fear in heart
puchukka - Onomatopoeic expression to refer to the sound of spitting